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JANUARY 21, 2022


The Houston studios has decided to put a hold on developing it's charitable branch "Mission Charity", as they have come across a few discoveries. The first discovery they made while trying to put together a board of directors is that other nonprofits in Houston are also struggling to keep board directors. It seems that the economy is not being pleasant to those who want to volunteer, so barely anyone is able to afford donating their time for meetings or events. In fact, just having a conversation about meeting for charity alone can take months.

Martin Animation Studios had several great ideas to help the community. The first one was providing care packages (backpacks filled with essentials) to the homeless. When people bought a Martin Animation Studios T-Shirt, the money would go to financing care packages. The Houston studios made an animation for a t-shirt printing company in exchange for enough free shirts to supply hundreds of care packages. Guess what - no one bought a t-shirt.

Afterwards, Josh Martin decided on another approach. He rented a seperate office space in CityCentre in order to attract volunteers and like-minded people. In fact, to break in the new space, he planned a huge party just to get the conversation started on all the missions they had in store!

This is a very important step, as it draws attention to the charity brand and begins a following. According to nonprofit laws, a charity should receive a certain amount of donations from a certain amount of supporters in order to be eligible. In fact, the nonprofit laws are quite complex when starting a charity. The best way to go about it is usually by hiring a professional to consult for every step, and you still might not even be approved by the IRS.

On the night of the huge party at the new office space- guess what - almost no one came.

And, yet, there was another idea! Josh understands the struggle as an artist starting out, and decided that he was going to give $1,000 every year to a Texas artist. In 2020, he awarded Maria McCain when she submitted. The studio states that only a few people submitted that year. With expectations that more artists would apply the following year, it was to their surprise that even less people submitted an application for the fund. Therefore, the fund was discontinued until further notice.

Josh Martin has come to the conclusion that he and his team will focus their full attention and finance on the upcoming "Adam and Eve" movie they've been developing since 2017. Then, after they have reached a higher level of notability once they release the film, the studio will try again to make an impact in the community. They will reattempt all their previous ideas, as well as release a couple apps that can really make a positive difference.

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